

The Association KSGV

KSGV (‘Expertise Centre for Religion and Mental Health’) is an independent Dutch association that aims to explore the relationships between faith/religion/meaning and mental health. To this end, KSGV endeavours to inspire scientific investigation of and reflection on contemporary religious issues in mental healthcare and in society. It pursues a critical discernment regarding a mentally healthy approach of religion and (personal) meaningmaking.

KSGV issues publications in its Dutch-language ‘Second Series on Mental Health’ (since 1972). Since 2014, KSGV, in association with Shaker Verlag, is also publishing an English-language series, the International Series in Mental Health and Religion. Up to 2022, five volumes have already been released in this series. For more information, please click on the link below:
International Series in Mental Health and Religion.

KSGV has also established, and is funding, six Endowed Chairs: the first one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Psychological Aspects’ (Clinical Psychology of Religion) at Tilburg University; the second one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular in the area of Spiritual Care’ at the University of Groningen; the third one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular in the area of Psychiatry’ at the University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht; the fourth one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Societal Aspects’ also at Tilburg University; the fifth one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Psychiatric and Spiritual Aspects’ at KU Leuven (Belgium); and the sixth one of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Philosophical, Religious and Psychoanalytic Aspects’ at Radboud University Nijmegen.

In addition, KSGV organises each year a well-attended and lively study conference.

KSGV has some 800 members and benefactors (2021 statistics), from mental and physical healthcare, spiritual and pastoral care, the churches, social services, nursing and other caring professions and (social-cultural) education. This diversity of professional backgrounds adds to the organisations’s attractiveness.

Members, i.e. those who pay the annual fee of at least € 45.00, receive the new publications in the ‘Second Series’, twice a year, free of charge. They can also attend the study conferences at a greatly reduced rate. Furthermore, members get attractive discounts on several of the other books, published by KSGV’s own publishing company.

Welcoming Gift

On becoming a member, one will receive three books from our list of publications, of one’s own choice, free of charge.

List of Most Recent Publications (all in Dutch, titles translated)

2-99 Arjan Braam & Hanneke Schaap-Jonker (Eds.): Beacon or maze? Reflections on the care standard Meaningmaking in mental healthcare. (2024)
2-98 Walter Krikilion & Arjan Braam (Eds.): Resilience in times of collective crisis. (2023)
2-97 Kees de Groot & Anne Vandenhoeck (Eds.): Knowing the markets? Worldview diversity in the care for meaning. (2022)
2-96 Lia Vergouwen & Herman Westerink (Eds.): Rage, violence and worldview. (2021)
2-95 Kees de Groot, Herman Westerink, Arjan Braam, Hetty Zock, Jos Pieper & Rien van Uden (Eds.): Magical Mystery Tour. On Worldview and Mental Healthcare. (2020)
2-94 Walter Krikilion & Jos Pieper (Eds.): Positive Psychology and Meaningmaking. Integration and Applications. (2019)
2-93 Rien van Uden & Lia Vergouwen (Eds.): Vulnerable – resilient. Cultural and moral aspects of loss. (2018)
2-92 Ton Bersee: Spiritual care and working in ‘evidence based’ ways. (2018)
2-91 Herman Westerink & Arjan Braam (Eds.): Mentally healthy? Karl Jaspers – psyche and borderline experience. (2017)
2-90 Barbara Zwaan: A beautiful dance. A therapeutic tuning of distance and nearness in the work of Carl Rogers, Martin Buber and Henri Nouwen. (2017)
2-89 Hetty Zock, Jos Pieper & Walter Krikilion: Meaning invisible? Care for meaning seekers today. (2016)
2-88 Patrick Vandermeersch: Scepticism as a way of believing. Contemplations of a psychologist of religion. (2016)
2-87 Arjan Braam, Walter Krikilion a.o.: Pain, struggle and meaning. (2015)
2-86 Ruud Abma: Bend that which is inflexible. Buytendijk and the Catholic Central Association for Mental Health. (2015)
2-85 Gerrit Glas a.o.: Making Meaning Last a Long Way. Meaningmaking as Cost and as Profit in Healthcare. (2014)
2-84 Ruard Ganzevoort: Trauma, Violence and Religion. (2014)
2-83 Ruard Ganzevoort a.o.: Violated Trust. Sexual Abuse in a Religious Context. (2013)
2-82 Jan Bodisco Massink: Reading between the lines. Psychotherapeutic skills for ministry and pastoral care. (2013)
2-81 Rien van Uden & Jos Pieper (Eds.): Rituality between Salvation and Healing. (2012)
2-80 Hanneke Muthert: A Space for Loss. Spiritual Care in Psychiatry (2012)
2-79 Hetty Zock & Walter Krikilion (Eds.): Finitude in Mental Healthcare. (2011)
2-78 Frans Maas: The splendour of the ordinary. Spirituality and mental health. (2011)
2-77 Ruud Abma a.o.: Evidence and existence. Evidence-based treatment and beyond… (2010)
2-76 James W. Jones: Religion and the Relational Self. (2010)
2-75 Ad van Heeswijk: Breaking into a Void. Essays in the Clinical Psychology of Religion. (2009)
2-74 Erik Stoppelenburg a.o.: Mindfulness. Spiritual Tradition or Therapeutic Technique? (2009)
2-73 Leo Tijhuis a.o.: Individuation, Existence, Psychotherapy. The Individuation Process of a Psychotherapist with a Rare Carcinoma. (2008)
2-72 Rienk Janssens a.o.: Mental Disorder and Criminal Offence. The Ongoing Dilemma between Care and Punishment. (2008)
2-71 Jacques Janssen: Religion in The Netherlands: Can’t Have it Both Ways? (2007)
2-70 Lia Vergouwen a.o.: Sacred Faith, Sacred Duty: Orthodoxy and Mental Health. (2007)
2-69 Jan van der Lans: Experiencing Religion. Essays on the Psychology of Religion. (2006)
2-68 Ad van Heeswijk a.o.: Finding your Story. Religious Biography and Mental Health. (2006)
2-67 Arthur Hegger a.o.: On Guilt and Shame. (2005)
2-66 Guus van Loenen: Keeping the Spirit in mind. Meaningmaking as a Task of Mental Healthcare. (2005)
2-65 Jan Bodisco Massink: As a Sacred Text. Essays on Pastoral Care and Psychotherapy. (2004)
2-64 Giel Hutschemaekers a.o.: Asking for Meaning. Mental Healthcare Clients’ Perspectives. (2004)
2-63 Jozef Corveleyn: The Psychologist does not Look into the Soul. Themes from the Clinical Psychology of Religion. (2003)


Postbus 90153 T-704
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31.13.466 33 42

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Board of Executives

Executive Committee

  • Prof Dr Arjan Braam (Chair), Consultant Psychiatrist and Chief Tutor, Altrecht Mental Healthcare in Utrecht; Researcher at VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam; Endowed Professor at the KSGV Chair of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular in the area of Psychiatry’ at the University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht;
  • Prof Dr Marinus van Uden (Deputy Chair and Coordinator of Endowed Chairs), Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Professor Emeritus of Psychology of Religion, and Endowed Professor at the KSGV Chair of Clinical Psychology of Religion at Tilburg University;
  • Dr Lia Vergouwen (Secretary-Treasurer), Psychologist of Religion and Culture, formerly Lecturer at Nijmegen and Utrecht universities and Coordinator of the post-graduate Pastoral Psychology Course in Utrecht. At present Staff Member of the Carmelite Centre of Spirituality in Haarlem.

Advisory Board (AB)

  • Prof Dr Herman Westerink (Chair), Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the Centre for Contemporary European Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen, and Scientific Director of the Titus Brandsma Institute Nijmegen; Endowed Professor at the KSGV Chair of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Philosophical, Religious and Psychoanalytic Aspects’ at Radboud University Nijmegen;
  • Prof Dr Kees de Groot, Assistant Professor at Tilburg University, and Endowed Professor at the KSGV Chair of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Societal Aspects’ at Tilburg University;
  • Drs Ad van Heeswijk, Honorary Clinical Psychologist, Mountbatten Hospice, Newport, Isle of Wight, Great Britain;
  • Dr Anke Liefbroer, Psychologist of Religion and Healthcare Chaplain, Assistant Professor at Tilburg University;
  • Prof Dr Jos Pieper, Psychologist of Culture and Religion; Endowed Professor Emeritus at the KSGV Chair of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Societal Aspects’ at Tilburg University;
  • Prof Dr Peter Verhagen, Psychiatrist, Group Psychotherapist and Team Leader at GGz Centraal in Harderwijk, and Endowed Guest Professor at the KSGV Chair of ‘Religion and Mental Health, in particular the Psychiatric and Spiritual Aspects’ at KU Leuven (Belgium);
  • Dr Miranda Vroon-van Vught, Healthcare Chaplain at Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg.

KSGV-network Flanders

  • Dr Walter Krikilion (Coordinator), Theologian and Psychotherapist, Staff Member for Patient Care with specific responsibility for the areas of ‘Meaningmaking and Worldview’, ‘Ethics’, and the ‘Knowledge Centre’, at Public Psychiatric Care Centre, Geel (Belgium); also working in the psychotherapy practice ‘Practice for Worldview and Meaningmaking’, Turnhout (Belgium);
  • Prof Dr Hans Alma, Professor of Spiritual Care and Religious-Humanistic Meaningmaking at the Faculty of Religion and Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Former Rector Magnificus and Professor at the University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht;
  • Dr Marc Calmeyn BA, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Bachelor of Philosophy, working in Psychiatric Hospital OnzeLieveVrouw Brugge and in private practice ‘Lelieveld’, Loppem (Belgium);
  • Dr Joris Dewispelaere, Clinical and Developmental Psychologist; Psychotherapist for individual, relationship and family treatment; Tutor and Researcher at the Training and Knowledge Centre for Family Sciences, Hogeschool Odisee (Belgium);
  • Koen De Fruyt MA, Head of Chaplaincy at the Psychiatric Centre ‘Sint-Amandus’, Beernem (Belgium) and Head of Department Identity Central Units of the Brothers of Charity in Belgium;
  • Prof Dr Peter Verhagen (Member of AB).

Editorial Board

  • Prof Dr Jos Pieper (Chair) (Member of AB);
  • Prof Dr Kees de Groot (Member of AB);
  • Drs Ad van Heeswijk (Member of AB);
  • Dr Miranda Vroon – van Vugt (Member of AB);
  • Prof Dr Herman Westerink (Chair of AB);
  • Drs Geert Eijsbouts (Secretary-General of KSGV).


Drs Geert Eijsbouts